Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bit Kingdom Auctions! Hurray

Bit kingdom has released a new function that lets you put auctions up. Click here for the auction page

Monday, September 14, 2009

I won!

I won Col. Gravis' contest and got cadians at ease. I am so happy!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Miniwargaming Affiliate Porgram

Mini wargaming has stated a deal where if you click this link I get money when you order. So order away

Space Hulk back!

Thats right Space hulk is back! Custom terminators, broodlord and Genestealers. It comes with the markers and trails. It is limited edition so reserve yours today! It is 100 dollars

Saturday, August 15, 2009

new blog!

New blog alert. the 40k Roughnecks led by G an entire army modeled after starship troopers

G's Rough necks!

Would you like to know more?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Death korps of kreig Commisar (2)

Front of Commisar

I got this awhile ago from a local vendor it was a fun paint. It comes in to parts, The main body (and left arm) and then the right arm which holds the sword

Commisar 2

the belt needs help though

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sorry Folks

sorry I have not been updating, my schedule leaves most of my free time around 7-8pm in the morning and 4 to 10pm So I need to work out how I will post, I will make next weekend more post effective.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Leman Russ Eradicator

As of now there is no official leman russ eradicator model and only conversions. I decided to convert one of my Russ' and I used the hellhammer cannon (part of the baneblade spure) and cut it up to the first little rivet. I then cut off all of the leman russ turrets untill I got to the last rivet, the leman russ cannon should look like a crappy demolisher cannon. Glue the two together and you should get this:

Eradicator front

Eradicator turret

Eradicator turret side

Eradicator turret 1

Not Yarrick and the not fortress of not arrogance

I did not want to buy Yarrick so I made one, I used a spare power klaw, catachan spure and brown stuff.

the not fortress of not arrogance was added in as a joke.The fluff of "Not Yarrick" was he had the same fate as Yarrick and called everything "not" The not fortress of not arrogance has cities of death bits as seen in the pics

Not Yarrick and Not the Fortress of not arrogance

This is the back
Not fortress of not arrogance back 1

the rest here

Color Scheme

I wanted to show my color scheme for my army. Cloth is fortress gray (light gray) and any armor is codex gray (dark gray) guns and metal vary. The skin color is supposed to make them undead with bleached bone(to hide my lack of skill on skin) The clothes, armor and skin is then washed with "badab black"

close up of running cadian

Running cadian side

Friday, July 31, 2009

Goodbye TSOALR!

Steve at "Turn signals on a land raider" has announced he is stopping production of his web comic

here is a quote on the 666th comic on July 31st 2009:

"As many of you know I am ending the production of Turn Signals because I cannot sell collected printed comics and make real money due to Games Workshop’s intellectual property policy and them not being interested in making any kind of mutually adventageous deal with the TSOALR Empire. My advertisers had paid for their space through July and today is the last day of July. Unfortunately, this also works out to be comic number 666 and I just couldn’t leave it that way. So, there will be one more on Monday, just to avoid the last TSOALR comic being the evilest comic ever."

I will miss TSOALR but I hope you will do well. I have a land raider crusader lying around and it will now be repainted as an"Emperor's point stick" land raider

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Got Conversion ideas? Send them in!

I am always looking forward to new ways of saving money on minis, kit bashing and converting to make different models.

if you have any just use the "contact me" widget on the right side bar and follow this form.

Name of conversion:
skill level (out of 10):
tools needed:
(add in pictures, how to do it, what problems happened)

After it is sent in I will post them and price them using bit kingdom's prices

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here are some ratlings I bought monday night, These ratlings had a lot of mold lines, so after I primed them I took these pictures

this is the WIP

WIP RAT 4 pic 3

And the done

DONE RAT 2 pic 2

the rest of the set

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bit Kingdom

selection and availability: 4/5
Product you purchased: Leman Russ (x3) Chimera (x2) Basilisk (x3) Cadian box sets (x2)
How satisfied were you with the company: 4/5
Your comments: I ordered the products for Christmas thinking I would get it soon. Nate said he had most of the items but not all and had to order it straight from games workshop. Around February I finally got the box. Nate said it was because of the many games workshop breaks during that time and offered me something extra, it was forgotten but promised during the next order. I have not made an order due to other things needed. My past orders took about a week to get to my home (hawaii) Nate is very helpful when it comes to purchases

This review was my worst experience with them and you can see it is not Bit Kingdom's fault. Nate is pretty much a one man army who had to quit for many months because of how fast his business was growing and now he has a new website at

Imperial Stonghold

I was thinking about getting the imperial sector and after reading the games workshop blog (on the main site)I came up with this.

cities of death fortress+landing pad

The grid on the side is the amount of windows. the dimensions are as follows

length 21"

width 29"

height 9"

I hope the imperial sector has enough pieces.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ruined Rhino tank

The first tank I made I ruined horribly, the spray paint bunched up making a weird nurgle like design. So after loosing bits and after it started breaking so I decided to make a generic bunker and here it is.



I added brownstuff to simulate years of sand blowing on it.

Cities of Death Imperial Outpost

after buying a few tanks from Bit kingdom ( ) I had some extra tank bits and I used them for this

here are some pictures



Chimera Color Scheme

this is a WIP chimera. I am still getting used to my camera so it is not the prettiest of things...

WIP Chimera side


This is my first warhammer hobby blog. The name is refernce to my imperial guard army which has some death korps model. In this blog I will post pics of my guard army and my other side armies, The emperor's power sword, and DA Merkinaries